A legendary Stag Party wouldn’t be complete without some hilarious challenges and party games designed to keep the drinks flowing. Don’t forget to add in some light-hearted dares designed to embarrass the Stag (in a nice way) and make to him the centre of attention!
Here are some top party games and forfeits:
1. The "Yes" or "No" game
Until decided, the Stag (and if you like, the rest of the group) cannot say "YES" or "NO" until the best man says so. Switch it up and add in other words that must not be said. If the "agreed word" is heard by anyone, then the unlucky person who says it gets a forfeit.
Another twist is to pick a word that the Stag MUST SAY in answer to every question he is asked for the next 5 minutes. If he refuses or forgets, he has to do a forfeit.
2. Dancing Queen
In the dancing queen game, the Stag must show a random group of around 3 people how good he is at dancing by teaching them some of his awesome or overly dramatic dance moves (the crazier the better). The Stag then has to get his group of budding dancing queens to perfect the dance moves within a given time frame to be then judged by the rest of the gang. If the Stag fails as a dance instructor, he gets a forfeit!
3. Arm Wrestle like a champion
In a show of strength the Stag has to challenge a bouncer (or equally strong willing male) to an arm wrestling competition. For an added challenge, he has to do this left handed (unless he IS left handed). If Stag WINS, the rest of the group drinks. If the Stag LOSES, he gets a forfeit.
4. Mr and Mrs Game - How well does he know his future wife?
Get the Stag and his Fiance on board with this one before-hand. Before the game, draw up a list of funny and embarrassing Q&A’s that the Stag and Hen must answer to show well they know each other!
This game is equal parts embarrassing for the Stag/ Hen as well as educational and entertaining for the rest of the gang. Add a twist if you like and record the answers they give before the game to play back after they give their answers (for authenticity). Record the responses given during the game to see how many they get right! Think of some forfeits unique to the Stag for each wrong question he answers.
As the same game could also be played by the Mrs on her Hen Do, you can get the chief bridesmaid to arrange the opposite version of this game at the Hen Do. Use the same questions and just change the "He" to a "She"!
Some questions to get you started...
5. Find my fiance
The Stag has 5 minutes to find someone with the same first name / same hairstyle / same look as his fiance or he gets a forfeit. This is judged by the rest of the team.
Is there a true likeness between the lookalike and his future wife? If not, the Stag gets a forfeit.
6. Shark attack
This is one for the whole group. The Stag starts off as the "shark spotter" and out of the blue he shouts "SHARK ATTACK!"
Once the warning has sounded, the aim is for everyone to get their feet off the ground as quickly as possible to avoid the shark! The last man standing has a forfeit and becomes the next shark spotter. The most inventive way of avoiding the shark wins a pre- arranged prize (a joke prize or something from the kitty) at the end.
7. Strike a pose
This is one for the group! Every time the Stag shouts "Who are you?" the rest of the group has to strike a pose.
If one of the group forgets (or the pose is pathetic), they will have to do a forfeit! In preparation, write down some objects, animals, names of famous people and job types (anything that will lead to a ridiculous pose) and distribute them to the team for them to imitate in their pose. Another version of this it to get some toy soldiers pulling different poses and hand these out to the team.
8. Who dares wins!
Write up a set of embarrassing dares or questions on a set of cards. These can be pulled out at random to be used on any member of the group at any time throughout the night. Forfeits apply.
9. Bullseye
If there is a dartboard in the pub, the Stag must score a bullseye or he gets a forfeit (usually a drink) each time he misses. After 3 goes the Stag is released from the challenge.
10. Red or black
Take a deck of playing cards. The Stag picks a card. If it’s red, the Stag does a forfeit, if it’s black, the others do a forfeit.
Organise and Inform your party guests